I have been going through all my crafty supplies and decided I needed to purge. I had a big sale today at my home and got rid of a lot and am amazed there is still so very much! This brought me to many thoughts!
1. Why do we see something and say "oooo pretty, I have no idea what I will do with this, but I must have it!" FACT: It is not true that if you die with the most stuff you win!!! All you have is a lot of stuff your family now has to go through and get rid. A dear friend of mine shared with me what her husband has planned to say in her obit...Jo died, stamp sale following the funeral!!!
2. I am an ink ho! You must have the correct ink for the project you are working on. You DO NOT need every ink pad ever made. I finally found the ink company love of m life and they make an ink that is suitable for every single need I could ever have. I have gone to Tsukineko on all pads. The rest went in the sale! (Some are still left!)
3. Just because you have a coupon you do not have to use it! I used to get 2 or 3 papers a week to get the coupons. Then I would go to Michael's or Hobby Lobby and find something to buy. At times I had an item in mind, but many time walk around until I bought something AND ended up with a bunch of little $1 items I didn't need any way. FACT: It is for this reason that many of the local,private owned stores are going out of business. One item does not make a huge difference, but many complain about the store prices but also do not support the stores so the stores close and then the same people complain about the stores being closed! Don't shop more or use coupons more...shop smarter!
4. Focus on the task at hand. For me, I am working on things for submissions or companies a lot these days. I don't buy extra items for a "maybe" future project any longer. I have 2 large tubs full of future projects so I try to turn a blind eye to other objects/items I can change or decorate. What are you creating today? Scrapbooks are different a bit, but don't overwhelm yourself!
5. If you have too much STUFF around you it is very hard to create! Although I am many times in the midst of clutter, I try to make sure that clutter is items I can use in my current creations.
6. Use what you have before you go buy the new next awesome thing! You may have a new product you forgot you had...CREATE!
7. Magazines are a wonderful resource. When is the last time you looked through yours? Do you have every issue of some? Are you inspired by the projects on the pages? Do you have a subscription and just keep getting more? Find your favorite issues and share your fun periodicals with someone else. I have even gone as far to pull some of my favorite projects and file them. I then pass of the ideas I may not want to save but someone else may LOVE. I love the extra cleared out space...and on a side note, I will not ever part with my Expressions magazines! They each speak to me so I am more picky about other publications!
I think over all...have fun and don't stress. By getting so much clutter and excess out of the way I can focus more on the task at hand. If you don't want to have a sale then donate some items to a local school, church or nursing home. I will be giving all of my leftover items to a local university that is raising money with a garage sale in the fall for a student directed play.
Good luck and if you choose to purge, do it with a happy heart. I still think there should be a 12 step program for us creative types! Or insurance should cover our issues with "collecting" the best and new stuff!
So these are some of the leftovers from a great day of purging!
go through your stamps to and PURGE |
some ink and other fun ready to make crafts!
I think you understand what I am saying! LOL If you do need to have some of my stuff check me out on Facebook under Kristi Parker Van Dorn.
Hope this is somehow helpful and very happy creaing!

Time to Purge!